What is green smell? Check out the whole truth!
Do you know what green smell is? Cheiro verde are aromatic herbs very popular in Brazil, and have many different names depending on the region. In this article, I'm going to talk about all the different things you need to know about green smell.
In today's article, we're going to find out everything you need to know about parsley, from start to finish.
what is green smell
I will explain to you what green smell is, its origin and tradition.
Cheiro verde is a mixture of aromatic herbs very popular in Brazil, which varies according to the region. The most common ingredients are: chives, parsley or parsley, watercress, coriander, endives and arugula.
There are also versions that add spinach, lettuce or kale leaves.
The ingredients are used to create delicious cooking recipes, which will also vary greatly depending on each region of the country.
- The combination referred to as “green smell” in the north and northeast of Brazil is composed of several ingredients, including coriander and/or chicory from Pará, also known as chicory from the north or coriander. In these areas, it is typical that the mixture does not include parsley.
- Chives and parsley are used in the south and southeast of Brazil.
- In other regions, the term “green smell” just refers to a product based on parsley or coriander.
As I was born and lived for many years of my life in the northeast, I always thought that the green smell referred to the mixture of coriander, parsley and chives and I was quite surprised by the fact that there are many variations.
This name is not very conclusive for those who do not know the mixture of herbs, perhaps thinking that it is based on herbs with a tendency towards a green aroma.
What is the green smell for?
It serves essentially to offer a differentiated taste, in addition to being widely used also for the decoration of dishes, which is very typical in French cuisine.
Origin of green smell
The green smell as it is known in Brazil, has its origins in the Northeast of the country. There, it was a common mixture of herbs that people took with them on their travels.
The ingredients were easy to find and it was a way of ensuring they had something to eat, even in the most remote places.
The herbal mixture quickly became known as “green smell” due to its characteristic aroma. The tradition of taking this mixture with them on their travels gradually spread to other parts of the country.
The health benefits of green smell
There are many health benefits when consuming the green scent ingredients, but I'm going to focus on the four most important ones.
1 – Helps prevent cancer
A study North American, demonstrated that chives help a lot to prevent cancer of the cervix and rectum, through the existence of organosulfurized in the green smell.
according to another research Published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, men who ate more herbs from the Allium family, such as chives, onions and garlic, were less likely to develop prostate cancer.
The parsley, on the other hand, is rich in myricetin, a flavonoid that helps in the prevention of skin cancer. Apigenin found in parsley plays a role in tumor shrinkage. Parsley can help reduce the risk of developing cancer, by eating it daily.
2 – Improves bone health
Vitamin K is abundant in parsley and chives, which is essential for bone strength. Vitamin K deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of fractures. Green onions are crucial for strengthening your bones.
3 – Improves eye health
The chive contains lutein and zeaxanthin carotenoids, which help reduce oxidative stress in the eyes and delay the formation of cataracts. THE parsley, on the other hand, is rich in vitamin A and antioxidants such as carotenoids and beta-carotene that protect the eyes from damage.
4 – Protect your heart
The parsley is rich in flavonoids, which can help reduce oxidative stress and improve cardiovascular health. It also contains good amounts of vitamin B and folic acid, which helps in preventing artery walls from thickening.
It is also high in potassium, which can help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure.
Quercetin, found in green onions, helps lower cholesterol levels and arterial plaque, which can lead to atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke.
As a result, Green chives are the best food for heart disease prevention.
where to buy green smell
There are two distinct forms in the green smell market, in the fresh or dehydrated.
The fresh version is harder to find as it has a shorter shelf life. The dehydrated version is more common and can be found in most supermarkets.
The best way to buy green smell is at the farmers market, where you can find the freshest produce possible.
In order not to be deceived, you should choose the green smell that is sold in branches, with the leaves still attached to the stem.
The leaves should have a bright, fresh green appearance. Avoid branches that have wilted or yellowed leaves.
If you can't find fresh parsley, you can buy the dehydrated version. Just check the expiration date and choose a product that has been packaged recently.
The dehydrated green smell should be stored in a cool, dry place. Once opened, it must be used within six months.
In order for you to be completely enlightened or enlightened, I'm going to talk a little more about the herbs that make up the different versions of green smell.
Coriander is one of those aromatic herbs that you either love or hate, there is no middle ground. In my family we all love cilantro for the flavor it offers in a variety of recipes.
It is very similar to parsley, however after approaching it we immediately see that its shape, smell and taste are unmistakable.
It is used extensively in traditional Brazilian cuisines as well as all over the world. In Brazil, it is widely used in recipes that require a differentiated taste, such as the famous vatapá.
It is also widely used in fish and shellfish recipes, such as the delicious shrimp moquecas or even the bobós from Bahia, in short, a marvel!
When you're in the market looking for coriander, never confuse it with parsley! The simplest way to know if it's coriander is if it's rooted.
Coriander also helps health and is good for digestion, it has antispasmodic and detoxifying properties.
It is also an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K, as well as folic acid, iron and calcium.
Salsa has many names throughout Brazil, but it is usually known as salsa or parsley. This herb is a staple in Brazilian cuisine and can be found in almost every dish.
It has a very mild flavor and is used to give dishes a bright green color as well as a pleasant taste.
Parsley is so flexible that it's hard to come up with a dish that doesn't work with it. Parsley is used in a variety of dishes, including meat, chicken, fish, soups, sauces, salads, pastas, risottos, omelets, and even bread.
And you know what's even better? It's just that parsley is good for health, such as its high content in vitamins A, C, and K. It's also a good source of dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, and calcium. In addition, parsley is good for digestion due to its detoxifying properties.
I don't know if you know, but here's the tip!
Parsley should be added at the end, after the dish has been prepared, as it is a sensitive herb. In addition to being used as a spice, parsley can also be used to decorate and garnish meals.
How to prepare the salsa:
- Wash the parsley leaves very well and let them soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Dry the parsley very well.
- Finely chop the leaves and stems with a sharp knife and on a cutting board.
- Place the parsley in the finished dish.
The green smell has an ingredient that is common in all variants, which is chives!
It belongs to the onion and garlic family, but what makes it different from its brothers is its delicate and refined taste. This is why chives are widely used in gourmet recipes, particularly in French cuisine.
Chives are an ingredient that combines very well with all kinds of foods, such as: meats, fish, eggs, omelets, cheeses and even in salads, soups, and sauces and fillings for dishes.
In Brazil, there are 2 different types of chives:
chives: The hollow and cylindrical stems are used in green smell recipes. It has a distinct flavor and is more robust than other varieties, and can be added to meals at the end. It is also used to finish dishes.
Ciboulette (French chives): A fine variant of the common chives with a softer and more delicate flavor, it is widely used in the completion of refined dishes, typically French cuisine.
Did you know that chives help a lot in health?
It is a good source of vitamins A, B-complex, C, and K. It also has minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Chives are known to help with problems such as urinary tract infections, diarrhea, and even asthma.
How to prepare chives:
- Wash the scallion stalks very well and soak them for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Dry the chives very well.
- Cut into very thin slices, with a very sharp knife and on a kitchen board.
- Add the chives when the food has finished cooking.
Pará chicory
The chicory of Pará is also well known as chicory of the north, due to its origin being in the north of Brazil, but it is also known as coriander.
It is a traditional herb from the Amazon regions, namely Belém do Pará, Manaus among other cities, there chicory from Pará is widely used in regional dishes, such as duck in tucupi, tacacá, as well as in fish-based recipes.
As chicory is resistant, it must be added to the cooking vessel right at the beginning of its preparation. It does not lose its flavor over time, as it has a powerful flavor and a fragrance reminiscent of coriander.
Did you know that this herb helps a lot in your health?
Chicory from Pará is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium.
It also contains important antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help protect the liver.
How to plant green smell in pots
For many of us, the easiest thing is to go buy the green smell at the supermarket and it's ready to be used!
But many people prefer to plant, because they control the entire process or even because they have ingredients at hand for their recipes.
The best part is that to plant green smell, it can be done anywhere, that is:
- in your apartment
- in your backyard
- on your farm
I'm going to show you how to plant parsley in a pot, so that anyone can plant it.
1 – Choice of container
You can grow the herbs in normal vessels or ceramic containers or plastic.
Even plastic bottles can be re-implanted and used to grow the plants. It is critical that the container has a hole in the bottom, regardless of the material.
If you choose to use PET bottles, keep in mind that it is necessary to cut the bottle in half and make two holes in the bottom. These holes will serve to drain the water.
2 – Create drainage layers
The most important thing is that you realize that you need to make a drainage layer, regardless of the type of pot you are going to use.
The drainage layer is where excess water accumulated by plants is kept. The best results are obtained when using expanded clay at this stage. The gravel stones by themselves can also drain water, as can styrofoam boards (break them into pieces to make the layer).
So that the roots of the plant do not find moisture, a drainage blanket should be placed over the layer of clay, pebbles, or styrofoam. Those who don't have a towel can use sheets of newspaper or a piece of TNT instead.
3 – Land preparation
After creating the drainage layers, you should fill the pot with good soil that can provide all the nutrients the plant needs.
Then, you should enrich the soil in your pot with earthworm humus, it is very rich due to its composition of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc… They help a lot in the growth of the green smell.
The chive and the parsley can be grown in organic soil at home. Clay soil, sand, chicken manure, and bokashi (a Japanese fertilizer) are commonly used.
Bone meal is also beneficial for improving plant nutrition.
It is critical to thoroughly mix the ingredients with a shovel before planting, no matter which combination you choose.
4 - Plantation
Go to the supermarket or market and buy green smell, dig the soil and put the roots you bought. If they are too big, cut the roots so that they stand vertically.
Alternatively, since it will take longer, you can purchase the seeds, do the entire planting process from scratch and then transplant them into a pot.
5 – Use straws
To plant parsley in a pot, you must provide the soil with a straw cover at the end. This plant material maintains soil moisture, inhibits nutrient loss and protects against insects, keeping pests out of your yard.
6 - Lighting and air conditioning
For growth to be at a normal pace and in a healthy way, it is necessary that during some hours of the day the green smell receives direct sunlight. So it is recommended that the pots receive sunlight daily.
It is also very important that in terms of climate, the appropriate temperature for the cultivation of parsley is between 13ºC and 24ºC.
7 - Frequency of irrigation
It is necessary that the green smell is watered twice a day, one in the morning and the second watering at the end of the day.
It is very important to understand that you should not exaggerate the amount of water used, as this type of plant does not like to receive too much water.
8 - Fertilizer Renewal
Mix a handful of earthworm humus (or manure) with half a handful of bone meal and 1.5 liters of water to make a solution.
Then you must dilute it well and then place a measure (cup for example) in the soil before starting to water.
Do this procedure weekly, but never use this solution to water the plant, as it will spoil the leaves.
9 - Prevention of pests
Chives can get sick and not grow as a result of some pests. One method to prevent these types of problems is to add mothballs to the soil. Mothballs keep the most common pests (cochineal, ants, aphids, etc.) away from our chives.
Fungi is another big headache we have to solve. Usually the fungi attack the leaves and they end up dying.
The solution to this problem is to make a mixture of 500ml of water with 30ml of vinegar, put the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray the leaves regularly and you will see that they will always be green.
10 - The harvest
Don't feel sorry for harvesting what you've planted to use in your kitchen and cooking.
With scissors, cut the leaves from the outside, avoiding at all costs cutting the inside. If you prune along the edges of the plant, its growth will never be stunted.
As a rule, the ideal time to harvest the leaves of the parsley is normally two and a half months after the date of planting.
The best recipe with green smell
So I bring you a different recipe but at the same time very useful, because the great challenge for all of us is to be able to keep the green smell for more than 2 or 3 days without it getting ugly, without smell.
In this recipe I show you how to keep the green smell very simply for at least 30 days!
Check out the step-by-step recipe below.
Green smell: how to keep fresh for more than 30 days.
- 1 pack green smell
- Leave the green smell on a dish towel until all the water has drained (approximately 20 minutes)
- Then chop the green smell until it is in pieces.
- then dry again, wrapped with the dishcloth until dry
- If you want to put it in the fridge, put it in a tapaware without covering it with a lid, the air in the fridge will leave the green smell fresh and with a natural smell for 20 to 25 days.
- If you put it in the freezer, put it inside a tapaware and close the lid tightly. The green smell will be loose and with the characteristic smell, in this case it will last up to 2 months in ideal conditions.
Note: This information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate only. This information comes from online calculators. Although Cozinhadave.com tries to provide accurate nutritional information, these figures are only estimates.
Frequently asked questions about green smell
What is green smell?
Cheiro Verde is a delicious combination of aromatic herbs that can be used in all types of cuisine. Cheiro-verde is a popular herbal blend consisting of chives and parsley or coriander in Brazil. They are all aromatic herbs with hundreds of years of history behind them.
What is the difference between parsley and parsley?
The green smell is the mixture of parsley with coriander and chives that is sold in a bag where everything is mixed. Parsley is just an aromatic herb.
What is green smell good for?
Aromatic herbs are sources of flavonoids and have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. It benefits the entire immune system, protecting the body from degenerative diseases.
What are the types of green smell?
The green smell is available in two different versions: The dehydrated, where it is sold dry in sachets. And there is also the fresh version, in this case it is sold in tied bundles of herbs.
Both versions can be easily found in supermarkets, local markets, fairs, etc…
Can you freeze green smell?
Yes, to freeze, wash the chives, parsley or coriander well and chop the leaves and stems into small pieces on a board and place in a container with a lid so that it can go in the freezer, forming a single layer.
Or if you prefer, place the chopped herbs in a hermetically sealed bag, and when using in a recipe you can use them frozen.
How long does the green smell last?
The green smell lasts in the fridge for up to 20 to 25 days (check out the recipe below) and in the freezer for up to 2 months (60 days). To guarantee these deadlines, it must be very well packaged.
Verônica Ribeiro, the creative mind behind “Cozinha da Vê”, is passionate about flavors and aromas and transforms her passion for cooking into irresistible recipes. With a unique ability to combine ingredients and a special touch of affection in each dish, she conquers hearts and palates, making cooking a truly delicious experience on her blog.