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Here you'll find a fascinating collection of intriguing and surprising curiosities related to the world of gastronomy.

From historical facts about iconic dishes to little-known secrets about common ingredients, each article is an exciting journey through the culinary universe.

Get ready to be enchanted and inspired by the curiosities that reveal the backstage and the peculiarities behind the flavors we love.

Explore our selection of articles and immerse yourself in a world of culinary discoveries that will pique your curiosity and broaden your horizons in the kitchen.

Heat pasta in the microwave

Can you heat pasta in the microwave?

Pode esquentar macarrão no microondas Se você é como eu, que gosta de praticidade e rapidez na cozinha, certamente já se perguntou se é possível esquentar macarrão no microondas. Afinal, quem nunca chegou em casa cansado após um longo dia…

You can heat beans in the airfryer

Can you heat beans in the airfryer? Find out the answer here!

Hello, everyone! I'm a foodie and today we're going to find out if it's possible to heat beans in the airfryer. We know that beans are a typical and widely consumed dish in Brazil, so there's nothing better than learning how to...

how many raisins are in 100g

Find out how many raisins there are in 100g

Today I have a delicious surprise for you. Have you ever wondered how many raisins there are in a 100g portion? I asked myself that very question and was surprised by the result! Find out how many...

Can you heat vegetables in the microwave?

Can you heat vegetables in the microwave?

Can You Microwave Vegetables Have you ever wondered if it’s safe to microwave vegetables? I have too, and as I’ve delved into this question, I’ve discovered a lot of surprising facts. In this article, I’ll share what I’ve learned about the benefits, proper techniques, and precautions to take when microwaving vegetables.

Why cover the microwave dish

Why cover the microwave dish?

Why cover the microwave dish? Have you ever wondered why food should be covered before being put in the microwave? I'm sure many of us have faced the frustration of cleaning it full of spills after heating up a...

difference between black plum and red plum

Difference Between Black and Red Plum: Find Out Now!

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between black and red plums? Me too! That's why I've done some thorough research to find out what the distinctive features of each are and what...

How much does an electric oven cost per month

How much does an electric oven cost per month

Você já se perguntou quanto um forno elétrico gasta em termos de energia elétrica? Nós certamente já! E é por isso que estamos aqui para ajudá-lo a entender melhor o consumo de energia do seu forno elétrico. Quanto gasta por…

How to heat rice in the airfryer

How to heat rice in the airfryer? Find out now!

Você já se perguntou se é possível esquentar o arroz na airfryer? Eu confesso que já me fiz essa pergunta muitas vezes, principalmente quando sobra arroz do almoço e eu não quero usar o microondas para aquecer. Por isso, decidi…

How to make microwave popcorn in the air fryer

Discover: How to make microwave popcorn in the air fryer without making mistakes!

Ah, popcorn! One of the most beloved foods in the world! And for good reason, right? In addition to being delicious, it is super easy to make and great for watching a movie in the comfort of our couch. But, believe it or not,…

black plum is caloric

Are Black Plums High in Calories? Solve This Culinary Mystery!

Quando se trata de frutas, a ameixa preta é uma das mais populares do mundo. É doce, suculenta e repleta de nutrientes essenciais para o corpo. Mas muitas pessoas se perguntam se a ameixa preta é calórica, e se pode…

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