How to make Chicken Drumsticks
Hello dear friends!
Today I'm going to teach you how to make chicken drumsticks, which is a recipe that everyone loves!
Este é sem sombra de dúvida o salgado mais tradicional do Brasil.
Esta receita é diferente da tradicional, mas por sinal muito saborosa, porque o recheio é cremoso e o frango é feito com especiarias.
Without further ado, shall we cook?
Preparação das Coxinhas de Frango
In first place, em uma panela de pressão cozinhe os peitos de frango em 1 litro de água com todos os ingredientes durante aproximadamente 30 minutos.
Second, then remove the cooked chicken breasts and then shred and reserve.
Third, em outra panela ponha o azeite, espere aquecer e coloque a cebola, os alhos e deixe refogar até não ficar muito dourado. De seguida, ponha o frango desfiado refogando mais um pouco.
Fourth, acrescente o tomate, o pimentão, a salsa, a polpa de tomate, a pimenta , o sal e envolva bem.
Fifth, let the stuffing cool until it becomes loose and set aside.
Sixth, to do the dough, numa panela ponha água do cozimento do frango, o leite, os tabletes de galinha, a batata amassada, envolva bem e espere ferver.
Seventh, quando levantar fervura, ponha a farinha de trigo de uma só vez. Mexa bem para cozinhar totalmente a farinha, a massa ficará pronta quando esta soltar do fundo da panela.
Eighth, despeje a massa sobre uma superfície lisa e amasse bem para a massa ficar lisa e homogênea. Envolva a massa com filme plástico, reserve e deixe esfriar.
Ninth, to the mounting , faça bolinhas com a massa do tamanho que você deseja, abrindo com um polegar e depois colocar o recheio no centro da massa, fechando a massa em formato de coxinha.
Tenth, for to coat, ponha a farinha de trigo na água e dissolva bem, de seguida passe as coxinhas por esta mistura e depois passe pela farinha de rosca.
Eleventh, frite as coxinhas em óleo quente, depois escorra em papel toalha até ficarem secas. A seguir sirva.
Creamy Chicken Drumsticks
Cooking Chicken Breasts
- 2 chicken breasts
- 1 litre of water
- Half an onion cut in 4
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 tsp de Açafrão
- Salt and black pepper to taste
Drumstick filling
- 2 shredded chicken breasts
- 1 chopped medium onion medium chopped
- 1 medium chopped tomato
- 2 tbsp de pimentão picado
- parsley to taste
- 2 crushed garlic cloves
- olive oil or oil
- Pimenta do reino e sal à gosto
Drumstick dough
- 1 cup (tea) de água do cozimento do frango
- 2 cups (tea) of milk
- 2 chicken broth tablets
- ½ cups (tea) boiled and mashed potato
- 1 tbsp of margarine
- 2 1/2 cups (tea) of wheat flour
drumsticks stuffing
- 250 ml of water
- 3 tbsp of wheat flour
- Breadcrumbs
- Requeijão cremoso para a montagem
- Cook the chicken breasts with all the ingredients in the pressure cooker and when the pressure picks up let it cook for another 30 minutes. Then turn off the heat and wait for it to cool.
- Then remove the cooked breasts, shred and set aside.
- Then in another pan, put the oil, wait for it to heat up and put the onion, garlic and sauté until golden, not too much, put the shredded chicken and sauté a little longer.
- Then add the tomato, pepper, tomato pulp, black pepper and salt, mixing well.
- Let the stuffing dry well to be loose and let it cool.
- For the pasta: in a large pan, place the water from the cooking of the chicken, the milk, the chicken tablets, the mashed potato, stir well and bring to a boil.
- After it boils, add the wheat flour all at once, stirring until it releases from the bottom of the pan, letting the flour cook fully.
- Place the dough on a smooth surface and knead well, cover the dough with plastic wrap or a dish towel so the dough doesn't dry out.
- To assemble: Make a ball the size you want, open it with your thumb, place a little curd in the center and finally a little of the chicken stuffing. Close the drumsticks.
- For breading: mix the wheat flour with the water, mixing well to dissolve, pass the drumsticks through this mixture and then into the breadcrumbs.
- Take the drumsticks to fry in hot oil. Drain on paper towels, then serve hot or cold.
Note: This information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate only. This information comes from online calculators. Although tries to provide accurate nutritional information, these figures are only estimates.
If you try this recipe, leave a comment below, letting me know how you like it!
And if you make any changes, I'd love to hear about that too. We can all benefit from your experience!
Verônica Ribeiro, the creative mind behind “Cozinha da Vê”, is passionate about flavors and aromas and transforms her passion for cooking into irresistible recipes. With a unique ability to combine ingredients and a special touch of affection in each dish, she conquers hearts and palates, making cooking a truly delicious experience on her blog.