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Napolitan Pave

Hello my dears!

Today I'm going to make one of those well-known desserts that everyone likes!

É o famoso Pavê Napolitano que aqui em casa todos amam, pois é uma sobremesa muito cremosa, mas principalmente a envolvência de diferentes sabores que o torna maravilhoso.

Assim você vai aprender como fazer pavê napolitano passo a passo de uma forma simples e rápida.

Pinterest Neapolitan Pave

Preparação do Pavê Napolitano

In first place, let's do the white cream, misture todos os ingredientes muito bem em fogo médio. Mexa até virar um creme homogêneo e consistente.

When ready, remove from heat, place on serving platter, let cool and set aside.

how to make pave 1

Second, then we will do the Strawberry cream. Envolva todos os ingredientes em fogo médio e mexa até virar um creme consistente e homogêneo. Quando estiver pronto, retire do fogo, deixe esfriar e reserve.

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Third, now let's do the chocolate cream. Numa panela ponha o leite condensado e o chocolate em pó, misture bem, quando estiver tudo bem envolvido adicione o creme de leite.

Leve ao fogo médio mexendo até virar um creme homogêneo e consistente, assim está pronta a ganache. Retire do fogo, espere esfriar e reserve.

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Montagem do Pavê Napolitano

  • Take the container with the reserved white cream.
  • Biscuits layer (soak in milk).
  • Strawberry cream layer.
  • Biscuit layer (soak in milk).
  • Finally, place the chocolate ganache on top of the cookies.
  • Decorate with chocolate shavings and strawberries.

Depois do Pavê Napolitano estar montado, leve à geladeira durante aproximadamente 4 horas antes de servir.

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Neapolitan Pave R

Napolitan Pave

Learn how to make a Pavé with three delicious flavors, easy and fast.
3.50 in 2 votes
PREPARATION TIME 1 hour 30 minutes
Geladeira 4 hours
TOTAL TIME 5 hours 30 minutes
DISH desserts
CUISINE Brazilian, Italian
SERVING 12 People
CALORIES 580 kcal


  • 360 g Champagne cookie
  • Chocolate shavings and strawberries to decorate


  • 1 tin of condensed milk
  • 2 tbsp of butter or margarine
  • 1 ½ milk measure. the same as the can of condensed milk
  • 1 sifted yolk
  • 2 tbsp of corn starch
  • 1 box heavy cream
  • 1 spoon (tea) of vanilla essence


  • 1 packet of strawberry-flavored gelatin powder
  • ½ cup (tea) hot water
  • 1 tin of condensed milk
  • 1 box heavy cream


  • 2 cups (tea) semisweet chocolate powder or whatever you prefer
  • 1 tin of condensed milk
  • 1 box heavy cream



  • Mix all the ingredients, and lead to medium fire, stirring well until it becomes a homogeneous and consistent cream. Once it's ready, turn off the heat and put the white cream to cool in the container that will serve.


  • Mix all the ingredients, and take it to medium fire, stirring well until it becomes a homogeneous and consistent cream. Once ready, turn off the heat and wait for it to cool and set aside.


  • Put the condensed milk in the pan and the chocolate powder, mix well with the help of a fuêt, after everything is very well involved, put the cream of milk mixing well to make the ganache. Mix all the ingredients, and take it to medium fire, stirring well until it becomes a homogeneous and consistent cream. Once ready, turn off the heat, wait for it to cool and set aside.


  • Take the container with the reserved white cream.
  • Biscuits layer (soak in milk).
  • Strawberry cream layer.
  • Biscuit layer (soak in milk).
  • Finally, place the chocolate ganache on top of the cookies.
  • Decorate with chocolate shavings and strawberries.
  • After assembling the Neapolitan pavé, refrigerate for 4 hours before serving.



Serving: 218gCalories: 580kcalCarbohydrates: 77.57gProtein: 9.36gFat: 26.39gSaturated Fat: 16.05gSodium: 219.09mgFiber: 0.93g

Note: This information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate only. This information comes from online calculators. Although Cozinhadave.com tries to provide accurate nutritional information, these figures are only estimates.

KEYWIORDS how to make pavé, how to make neapolitan pavé, neapolitan pavé
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