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Can you heat beans in the microwave?

I know that sometimes you feel like eating warm beans, but you don't have time or you don't want to dirty a whole pot. Then the question arises: can you heat beans in the microwave?

Heating beans in the microwave

Can you heat beans in the microwave?

Well, the answer is yes! It is possible to heat beans in the microwave in a very practical way, but you have to be careful that the beans don't become dry or taste strange.

Want to know how? Read on!

Main Conclusions

  • You can heat beans in the microwave;
  • However, you have to be careful that the beans don't become dry or taste strange;
  • Read on to find out how to heat beans in the microwave properly.

How to heat beans in the microwave properly

I know, I know. If you're like me, who grew up eating beans fresh off the stove, the idea of heating beans in the microwave may seem sacrilegious. But believe me, it's possible to do it properly and get delicious, warm beans in just a few minutes.

First, place the beans in a microwave-safe container. If you have a lid, great, but if not, cover with a plate or paper towel.

Then heat the beans on medium-high heat for about 2 to 3 minutes. It's important to stir the beans every few minutes so that they heat evenly and don't get hot and cold.

If you think the beans are still cold, you can leave them in the microwave for another minute, but be careful not to overdo it as they can end up dry and looking like yesterday's leftovers.

Another tip is to add a little water to the beans before putting them in the microwave. This prevents them from drying out and helps maintain their flavor and texture.

That's it! Warm beans ready to be enjoyed. Easy, right?

how to heat beans in the microwave properly

Microwave bean recipes

I know you might be thinking "but beans in the microwave are so boring". But come on! It is possible preparing beans in different ways and delicious, all in the microwave. Believe me, I've done it several times and I've never lost credibility in the kitchen (at least I think so).

1. Seasoned beans

To add more flavor to the usual beans, try adding different spices and ingredients. I like to use onion, garlic, bacon and freshly ground black pepper. They help bring out the flavor of the beans and make them tastier. To prepare, just follow these steps:

IngredientsThe amount
Beans1 cup
Onion1 medium unit
Garlic2 teeth
Black pepperTo taste
saltTo taste

1. Place the beans in a microwave-safe container and cover with water.

2. Cover the container and microwave for about 20 minutes on high power.

3. Meanwhile, chop the onion, garlic and bacon.

4. In a pan, fry the bacon until golden brown. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until soft.

5. When the beans are soft, remove from the microwave and drain the water.

6. Add the seasoned beans to the pan with the bacon, onion and garlic.

7. Season with black pepper and salt to taste.

8. Cook for a few more minutes until the flavors blend.

9. Serve warm.

2. Beans with sausage

This recipe is perfect for anyone who loves a good sausage. It leaves beans with an incredible and super different flavor. This is one of my favorite recipes. Check out how to make it:

IngredientsThe amount
Beans1 cup
Sausage2 units
Onion1 medium unit
Garlic2 teeth
saltTo taste

1. Place the beans in a microwave-safe container and cover with water.

2. Cover the container and microwave for about 20 minutes on high power.

3. Meanwhile, slice the onion, garlic and sausage.

4. In a pan, fry the sausage until golden brown. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until soft.

5. When the beans are soft, remove from the microwave and drain the water.

6. Add the beans to the pan with the sausage, onion and garlic.

7. Season with salt to taste.

8. Cook for a few more minutes until the flavors blend.

9. Serve warm.

Beans with sausage

See how easy it is to prepare different bean recipes in the microwave. With a little creativity, you can make your beans much tastier and your kitchen routine much more practical. Enjoy!

Best techniques for heating beans in the microwave

Okay, you already know that you can heat beans in the microwave, but now comes the golden question: how do you do it properly? If you don't follow the right techniques, you could end up with dry or lumpy beans.

So, if you want to avoid the disaster of a meal with spoiled beans, follow these tips:

  1. Add liquidAdd a little water or broth to the beans before microwaving. This helps maintain the beans' moisture and texture.
  2. StirStir the beans every 30 seconds to ensure that they heat evenly and prevent them from burning on the bottom of the pan.
  3. Use a large enough containerMake sure that the container you are using has enough space for the beans and liquid to avoid overflowing in the microwave.
  4. Cover the containerUse a lid or a piece of paper towel to cover the container while the beans are heating up. This helps retain the steam and prevents the beans from drying out.

Remember that these are just the best techniques for heating beans in the microwave, but every microwave is different. So experiment with different times and powers until you find the perfect combination for your microwave and your preference for bean consistency.

Beans with bacon and pepperoni in the microwave

Now that you know how to heat beans in the microwave, how about trying a quick and delicious recipe for beans with bacon and pepperoni? It's super easy, just follow these steps:

IngredientsThe amount
Baked beans1 can
diced bacon50g
Sliced pepperoni50g
Chopped onion1 unit
Chopped garlic2 teeth
Salt and pepperAugust
  1. In a large enough bowl, place the cooked beans and add a little water and the spices. Mix well and set aside.
  2. Place the bacon, pepperoni, onion and garlic in another bowl. Place in the microwave for 3 minutes at high power.
  3. Remove from the microwave, mix well and add to the cooked beans. Mix everything together again and microwave for another 5 minutes on high power.
  4. Remove from the microwave, stir well and serve hot. If you like, you can garnish with chopped parsley.

Now that you have two wonderful options for heating beans in the microwave, you no longer have to worry about having to throw away a plate of dried beans. And to make it even tastier, how about accompanying it with some loose rice and grilled meat? Enjoy!

beans with bacon and pepperoni in the microwave

Best techniques for heating beans in the microwave

Well, now that we know it's possible to heat beans in the microwave, let's talk about the best techniques to achieve a satisfactory result:

  • Place the beans in a glass or ceramic container, not a metal one.
  • Add a little water to prevent drying out and stir to distribute well.
  • Cover with a lid or plastic wrap, leaving a small space for the steam to escape.
  • Place in the microwave for 30-second intervals, stirring each time to distribute the heat.
  • If the beans are still cold, continue heating for another 30 seconds until they are hot enough.

By following these tips, you'll have warm beans ready in just a few minutes. And remember, avoid using the microwave to heat beans after several days in the fridge, as the food can spoil more quickly when reheated this way.

beans in the microwave

"The secret to perfect beans in the microwave is not to rush. Be patient and heat in short intervals, stirring constantly. If you do this, everything will be warm and tasty!"

So, did you like these tips? Now all you have to do is put them into practice and enjoy delicious beans in just a few minutes, without dirtying pans and without taking up too much time in the kitchen!


What's up, guys? I hope you enjoyed all these tips on how to heat beans in the microwave! As you can see, it's possible to make delicious, warm beans using this appliance, which is so common in our kitchens.

It doesn't matter if you're one who loves to improvise in the kitchen or if you're more traditional and prefer the good old stove, I think we can all agree that it's always good to have a few extra options for preparing our meals, right? And that's where the microwave can be a great ally.

Don't forget the important tips!

Before we say goodbye, I want to reinforce a few important tips that we've mentioned throughout the article: use a suitable container for your portion of beans, add enough water so that it doesn't dry out, mix well before heating, use the appropriate time for your microwave, stir halfway through and, above all, respect the limits of your appliance and always wear thermal gloves to protect yourself.

And now, get to work!

Well, I think you're now ready to put our tips into practice and prepare some delicious beans in the microwave! Don't forget to experiment with different spices and ingredients to make your beans even tastier and, if you like, share your results with us in the comments.

Until next time, folks!

Common questions

Can you heat beans in the microwave?

Of course you can! The microwave is a quick and convenient option for heating beans.

How to heat beans in the microwave properly?

To heat beans in the microwave properly, place them in a microwave-safe container, add a little water to prevent them from drying out, cover with a lid or plastic wrap and heat in 1-minute intervals, stirring each time, until they reach the desired temperature.