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Which is better Airfryer or Microwave? Find out now!

What is better Airfryer or Microwave

What is better Airfryer or Microwave

Whenever I think about cooking, I have to consider using the microwave or my trusty airfryer. Both appliances have their positives and negatives, but after all, which is better: airfryer or microwave?

To help you decide, I've prepared this comprehensive guide that evaluates the pros and cons of each device, as well as comparing them and analyzing what others say about them. To find out which is the best option for your kitchen, read on!

Main conclusions:

  • airfryer and microwave they are useful kitchen gadgets, but they have significant differences regarding cooking, taste and health.
  • It is a great snack or breakfast option that is packed with nutrients and will help satisfy your hunger. Plus, it’s easy to make and can be customized to your liking. microwave is ideal for reheating food and cooking quickly, while the airfryer it is perfect for healthy roasting and frying.
  • Consider your cooking needs and habits before deciding which appliance to choose.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microwaves

When it comes to practicality, the microwave is unbeatable. I can heat up food in a few minutes, defrost frozen food quickly or cook a quick snack. But, as with everything in life, not everything is rosy. Despite being a common appliance in most kitchens, the microwave has its drawbacks.

One of the main disadvantages of the microwave is that it does not always heat food evenly. This can result in food being burnt in some areas and cold in others. Also, some foods may lose their texture and flavor when heated in the microwave.

Advantages of the MicrowaveDisadvantages of the Microwave
Speed in food preparationIrregular heating of food
ease of useLoss of texture and flavor in some foods
Space saving in the kitchenLimitation in the ability to prepare food

Another disadvantage of the microwave is that it has limitations in its ability to prepare food. In other words, you can't cook everything in that appliance. Some types of food are not recommended to be prepared in the microwave, such as grilled or fried meats.

However, it is important to note that the advantages of the microwave outweigh the disadvantages in most situations. It is a practical appliance, easy to use, saves space in the kitchen and helps you prepare food quickly. But if you're looking for something that can cook food evenly and without losing flavor, the microwave might not be the best option.

advantages and disadvantages of microwave

Advantages and Disadvantages of Airfryer

Oh, the airfryer. The fryer that promises to fry without oil. Is she really all of that? Let's find out together.

First, let's get to the benefits:

  • Health: the great advantage of airfryer is that it allows you to fry food without using oil, which makes your recipes much healthier. Because who said that fried food has to be synonymous with fat?
  • Versatility: in addition to frying, the Airfryer can be used for baking, grilling and even steaming food.
  • Speed: the Airfryer is very fast when it comes to cooking. It preheats in a few minutes and, depending on the recipe, the cooking time is much shorter than in a conventional oven.
  • Cleaning: the Airfryer is very easy to clean, especially compared to a conventional fryer.

But since not everything is rosy, there are also some disadvantages:

  • Price: the Airfryer can be much more expensive than a conventional microwave.
  • Capacity: depending on the model, the Airfryer may have a lower capacity than an oven or slow cooker, making it difficult to cook for many people at once.
  • Noise: the Airfryer can be quite noisy, which can be a nuisance for anyone who needs to cook in an environment with other people.

So what did you think? Airfryer can be the ideal option for anyone who wants to cook in a healthy and practical way, as long as you are willing to pay a little more and deal with the noise. Now, if you're on the team that doesn't dispense with a good microwave, keep reading to discover its advantages and disadvantages.

airfryer or microwave

Comparison between Airfryer and Microwave

Now that we know the advantages and disadvantages of each device, let's compare Airfryer and microwave directly. After all, which is the best?

Well, the answer depends on what you value most in a kitchen appliance. The microwave is more versatile and can be used to cook, defrost and reheat food quickly. The Airfryer, on the other hand, is more limited in its functions, but offers a healthier option for frying.

Both handsets have unique features that should be considered before purchasing. See the table below for a more detailed comparison:

Preparation timeVery fastVery fast
FlavorIt depends on the food and how it is prepared.Preserves the natural taste of food
CostLess expensivea little more expensive
HealthIt depends on the food and how it is prepared.Healthier for fried food

This table is a general guide only and does not take personal preferences into account. For example, someone may value the practicality of the microwave more than the health offered by the Airfryer. It is up to each one to decide what is most important in their daily use.

However, if you are looking for a healthier option for frying, the Airfryer is the right choice. It allows you to enjoy fried food without excessive use of oil, ensuring a healthier and tastier meal. In addition, it can also be used for baking and grilling food.

On the other hand, if you value versatility and speed in the kitchen, the microwave is the right option for you. It is capable of cooking, defrosting and heating food in just a few minutes, making it an indispensable appliance in any kitchen.

comparison between airfryer and microwave

The final choice between Airfryer and Microwave depends on your personal needs and preferences, but I hope I have given you enough information to make an informed choice. Now, let's take a look at how the two appliances compare to a different option: an oil-free fryer.

Oil Free Fryer vs Microwave: Which is the Best Option?

When it comes to cooking, choosing the right equipment can make all the difference. After all, who doesn't want to prepare delicious and healthy meals quickly and conveniently?

That's why many people are in doubt when it comes time to choose between an oil-free fryer and a microwave. Both equipment have their pros and cons, and it's up to each one to decide which is the best option for their kitchen.

If you are looking for a healthier option for frying your favorite foods, the oil free fryer might be the perfect choice for you. With it, it is possible to prepare fries, breaded chicken and many other dishes without the need for oil, which results in a healthier meal with fewer calories.

However, if you need equipment to reheat food, defrost ready meals or prepare popcorn, the microwave is the right choice for you. In addition, the microwave is very useful for those who have little space in the kitchen, as it is compact and can be easily stored on a shelf or in a cupboard.

It is important to remember that both the oilless fryer and the microwave have their limitations. The oil-free fryer may not be the best option for cooking large amounts of food, while the microwave may not be as efficient for preparing certain more elaborate dishes.

So what's the best option for you? It depends on your personal needs and preferences. If you value healthier eating and enjoy cooking, the oil-free fryer may be the best choice. But if you need versatile and practical equipment for everyday use, the microwave may be the right option.


But, regardless of the choice, the truth is that with the right equipment you can prepare delicious and healthy meals in an easy and practical way. So whatever you choose, get to work and bon appétit!

Airfryer or Microwave: What to Consider When Buying?

Now that we know the advantages and disadvantages of each device, it's time to decide which one to choose. But before you rush out to the store, it's important to consider a few factors:

  • Use: what do you need the device for? If you intend to cook complete meals, the Airfryer may be the best option. But if you use the microwave mainly to heat food, it might be more advantageous to invest in a simpler model.
  • Space: Do you have enough space in your kitchen to accommodate the appliance? Airfryer tends to be a little bigger than the simplest microwave models, so it's important to check if you have space to store it.
  • Budget: what is your budget for the purchase of the device? Airfryers tend to be a little more expensive than the simplest microwave models, so it's important to take that into account when choosing.

And finally, it is always important to check the specifications and features of each model before making a purchase. Make sure the device meets your needs and offers the features you are looking for.

airfryer or microwave

With these considerations in mind, you'll be ready to choose the device that best fits your needs. And remember: there is no right or wrong answer, it all depends on your preferences and lifestyle.

Recipes That Work Best in the Microwave

I love practicality in the kitchen and the microwave is one of my best friends at this time. Some recipes are simply amazing when prepared in it, such as:

RevenuePreparation timeDifficulty
Mug Cake5 minutesEasy
Microwave Rice20 minutesEasy
lemon fish10 minutesEasy

In addition to these recipes, the microwave is great for defrosting meat, heating up leftovers and even popping popcorn. Trust me, a movie night without popcorn is a sad night!

“I love practicality in the kitchen and the microwave is one of my best friends at this time.”

A tip for those who want to prepare more elaborate recipes in the microwave is to invest in proper utensils for this, such as silicone molds and containers suitable for cooking in the microwave. This way you prevent the food from drying out or not cooking properly.

Microwave mug cake recipe

However, it is worth remembering that not all recipes work so well in the microwave. Some doughs, for example, can be very different than if they were prepared in a conventional oven. So, you have to evaluate on a case-by-case basis.

Conclusion: Microwave is an ally in the kitchen, but it is not always the best option

The microwave can be a great helper in the kitchen, especially for quick and simple recipes. However, it must be remembered that not all recipes turn out so well in it and that there may be loss of nutrients from food, depending on the cooking method. Therefore, it is important to evaluate each situation and choose the best option for what you want to prepare.

Winner of Delicious Recipes: Airfryer!

If you are looking for a modern and versatile appliance for your kitchen, the airfryer is a great option. In addition to being able to fry food without oil, the airfryer can also grill, bake and even steam food. With it, you can prepare a wide variety of dishes that are not possible in the microwave.

The airfryer is perfect for people who want a healthier diet, without giving up on flavor. She is able to fry food without the need for oil, which helps to reduce her calorie intake. Plus, it's easy to clean and saves time in the kitchen.

– Prepare food without oil;– A little more expensive than the microwave;
– Versatile: can fry, grill, bake, steam;– Can be a little heavy and take up space in the kitchen;
– Food becomes crispy and tasty;– Can be a little noisy during use;
– Easy to clean; 

As you can see, the airfryer has many advantages and few disadvantages. If you are willing to invest in a more versatile device with more functions, the airfryer is perfect for you.

Airfryer or Microwave: What to Consider When Buying?

Recipes that Work Best in the Airfryer

Now that you know the pros and cons of the airfryer, I'm going to share some recipes that look amazing with this device.

  • Crunchy fried chicken;
  • Baked cheese sticks;
  • Grilled vegetables;
  • Fried potatoes without oil;
  • Roasted red mullets;

“The airfryer is the best thing I've ever bought for my kitchen. She helps me prepare quick and healthy meals in an easy and tasty way!” – Mary, Sao Paulo

As you can see, the airfryer is an excellent device that can help you prepare a wide variety of delicious dishes for your family. If you are looking for a healthier and more modern option than the microwave, the airfryer is the right choice.

What Are Other People Saying?

I confess that I was curious to know what other people think about this eternal question: airfryer or microwave? So I decided to research and bring some opinions to you.

“I am in love with my airfryer! I use it to make everything from vegetables to meats. In addition, it is much healthier than conventional fryers.”

– Ana Paula, 32 years old

“I wouldn't trade my microwave for anything! It's super practical and quick to heat up meals. In addition, I can make very tasty and practical recipes on it.”

– John, 40 years old

Of course, there are all kinds of opinions, but these were some of the most recurrent in my research. And you, what do you think about airfryer and microwave?

oil free fryer vs microwave

Airfryer or Microwave: What to Consider When Buying?

If you're here, it's because you haven't decided which device to buy, and believe me, I understand that very well. I've been in that situation too. So, to help you choose, I've compiled a list of important factors you should consider when buying a microwave or airfryer.

Do You Need Both?

Before we dive into the differences between the two, think about your needs. Do you need an appliance that can heat up meals quickly, or do you prefer an appliance that can fry food without oil?

If you like to cook and prepare a lot of fresh meals, it might be interesting to have both appliances in your kitchen. But if you're short on space or on a limited budget, you might only need to pick one.

Size and Capacity

Microwaves tend to be larger, but can also be found in compact sizes. Airfryers, on the other hand, are generally smaller and easier to store. Consider the space available in your kitchen and choose an appliance that fits in well with the environment.

Also, take into account the capacity of the device. If you tend to cook for many people or have a large family, you may need a microwave or airfryer with a larger capacity. If it's just you or you and one other person, a smaller device may suffice.

Ease of Use

Another important factor to consider is ease of use. Microwaves are known for their simplicity: just place the food inside, set the time and press the start button. Airfryers, on the other hand, have more features and buttons, and can be a little more complicated to use. Consider your kitchen skills and choose an appliance that is easy for you to use.


Last but not least, let's talk about the cost. Microwaves are typically more affordable than airfryers, but this can vary from brand to brand and model to model. Consider how much money you are willing to spend and choose a device that fits within your budget.

With these considerations in mind, you'll be better prepared to choose between a microwave and an airfryer. Remember to choose a device that meets your needs and fits your lifestyle.

oil free fryer vs microwave

Final Thoughts: What is the Best Option?

Well, now that you already know all the advantages and disadvantages of both the microwave and the airfryer, you must be wondering: what is the best option for my kitchen?

I can tell you from experience that the answer to that question is not that simple. It depends a lot on your lifestyle, cooking habits and even your routine.

If you are a very busy person and need practicality when preparing meals, the microwave may be the best option. It's fast, easy to use and can be found in virtually every kitchen across the country.

On the other hand, if you like to try different dishes and are looking for a healthier diet, the airfryer may be the right choice. It is an excellent option for those who want to consume less oil and still enjoy crunchy and tasty foods.

But after all, what did I choose for my kitchen?

Well, as a cook and youtuber, I'm curious and passionate about culinary novelties, I decided to invest in an airfryer for my kitchen. After all, I love testing new recipes and experimenting with different ways of cooking.

However, that doesn't mean the microwave doesn't have its place in my home. It is still very useful for heating leftover food, defrosting food and preparing some quick recipes.

Ultimately, the choice between airfryer or microwave will depend on what is most important to you. Think about your cooking habits and how often you use each of these appliances before deciding which is the best option for your kitchen.

And remember, whatever your choice, the most important thing is to always have fun in the kitchen, try new dishes and flavors, and share delicious moments with the ones you love!

Common questions

Airfryer or Microwave, which is the best option?

This is a very common question and the answer depends on your specific needs and preferences. Both have advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to consider what's most important to you when choosing.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Microwave?

The microwave is a quick and convenient way to heat food, but it may not give the same taste and texture to food prepared in other ways. Also, uneven heating is a challenge in some cases.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Airfryer?

The Airfryer uses little or no oil to fry food, resulting in healthier meals. However, more preparation time may be required compared to Microwave.

What is the difference between Airfryer and Microwave?

The main difference is in the cooking method. The Microwave uses electromagnetic radiation to heat food, while the Airfryer uses circulating hot air to cook food with less fat.

Oil-free fryer versus microwave, which is the best option?

Again, this will depend on your personal preferences. The oil-free fryer can provide healthier meals without compromising on taste, but the Microwave is faster and more convenient for quick heating.

What should I consider when buying an Airfryer or Microwave?

Some factors to consider include the space available in your kitchen, the type of food you prepare most, and the budget you have available.

What are other people saying about Airfryer and Microwave?

Opinions may vary, but many people praise the practicality of the Microwave for quick heating and the quality of food prepared in the Airfryer without oil.