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How to heat food in the airfryer: infallible tips for everyday life

If you're like me, you love hot and crunchy food. But sometimes time is short and resorting to the microwave can leave the food wilted and tasteless. That's where the airfryer comes into play. In addition to cooking food in a healthy way and with less fat, it is great for heating ready-made or frozen food quickly and tasty. And best of all, they don't lose their crispness, becoming as tasty as freshly prepared.

How to heat food in the airfryer

How to heat food in the airfryer: infallible tips for everyday life

If you still don't know how to use the airfryer to heat up food, don't worry! In this article, I'm going to share with you foolproof tips for heating food in the airfryer in a practical and quick way.

Main Conclusions

  • The airfryer is a good option for heating food quickly and tasty;
  • Foods do not lose their crispness when heated in the airfryer;
  • In this article, I'm going to share foolproof tips and quick recipes for you to heat up food in the airfryer.

Why choose the airfryer to heat food?

If you're new to the airfryer, you're missing out on one of the best culinary inventions of this century. These revolutionary appliances use hot air instead of oil to cook food, resulting in healthier, crispier meals. But the advantages of the airfryer do not stop there. In fact, the device is also an excellent option for heating ready-to-eat food, and I'll tell you why.

Firstly, the airfryer is much faster than the conventional oven. While your stove takes about 20 minutes to heat up, the airfryer is ready to use in seconds. This means that it is ideal for those who have little time, or for those days when you are too lazy to cook.

Furthermore, the airfryer is very easy to use. Just place the food in the basket, set the desired time and temperature and wait a few minutes. There is no need to preheat the appliance or stir the food during cooking, which makes the process even simpler.

And of course, we can't forget that the airfryer is much healthier than the microwave. While the microwave uses radiation to heat the food, the airfryer uses hot air. This means you can reheat food without worrying about chemicals and other harmful elements.

And last but not least, the airfryer is much more versatile than the microwave. While the microwave is only good for heating ready meals, the airfryer can be used to prepare a wide variety of foods, from roast chicken to French fries. This means you can get even more out of your appliance and prepare delicious, healthy meals in no time.

airfryer with food

And these are just a few reasons why you should choose an airfryer to heat food. In the next topics, I'll teach you how to prepare the appliance, heat ready-made foods and even prepare quick and delicious recipes. So get your airfryer ready and let's go!

Preparing the airfryer to heat food

Before you start heating up your favorite meals in the airfryer, it is important to prepare it correctly to obtain the best results. Here are some foolproof tips for preparing your airfryer:

  • Clean the airfryer: Before using the airfryer, make sure it is clean. This can easily be done with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Make sure you dry it well before using.
  • Preheat the airfryer: It's important to preheat the airfryer before heating your food. This ensures that the temperature is even and prevents the food from undercooking. Preheat the airfryer for about 3-5 minutes before placing the food.
  • Use the proper temperature: Each food requires a specific temperature to be heated correctly in the airfryer. Check the manufacturer's instructions or use this table as a reference:
FoodTemperature (°C)
Chicken nuggets180-200

Don't forget to adjust the cooking time according to the amount of food you are heating. Smaller, thinner foods require less time than large, thicker foods.

With these simple tips, your airfryer will be ready to heat up all your delicious meals in no time and effortlessly.

Preparing the airfryer to heat food

How to reheat ready-made food in the airfryer

Well, now that we've talked about preparing your airfryer, let's get down to business: how to heat your ready-made food in the airfryer. Why choose this method, you might ask? Simply put, the airfryer uses hot airflow to heat and cook food, but without the need for oil or fat, making this method a healthier option for reheating your food. Plus, the airfryer is quick and easy to use, so you can have your food hot and delicious in minutes.

Here is the simple process for reheating ready-made food in the airfryer:

1Preheat your airfryer to 200°C for 3-5 minutes.
2Place the food in the airfryer basket.
3Set the temperature to around 150-180°C and the time to 3-5 minutes, depending on the amount and type of food.
4Remove the basket from the airfryer and shake the food to ensure it is evenly heated.
5Return basket to airfryer and heat for an additional 1-2 minutes if needed.
6Serve and enjoy your hot and delicious food.

Remember that temperature and time may vary depending on the type of food. Dense food like pizza may need more time to heat up than lighter food like cheese bread. Test different settings to find the best option for your type of food.

food heating up in the airfryer

An extra tip is to cover the food with aluminum foil to prevent drying or burning, especially if it is very thin or delicate, such as patties or chips.

How to heat ready-to-eat food in the airfryer with crust

If your ready-to-eat food has a crust, like a breading or pastry, you can use a simple trick to keep that crunchy texture. Instead of placing the food directly in the airfryer basket, place it on a wire rack, then place the wire rack in the airfryer basket. This will allow the hot air to circulate completely around the food, keeping it crisp and delicious.

With these tips, you can now heat up your ready-to-eat food in the airfryer quickly and easily. Don't waste any more time using the microwave or conventional oven. Try the airfryer and enjoy hot and delicious food whenever you want.

Heating frozen food in the airfryer

I love having frozen foods in my fridge. They are super practical and easy to use on busy days, but heating them up can often be a headache. Fortunately, the airfryer is here to save us again!

First of all, it is important to partially defrost the food before placing it in the airfryer. If you don't, they could end up cooking unevenly and getting parts that are still frozen. Therefore, take the food out of the freezer a few hours earlier or partially defrost it in the microwave.

Once defrosted, just place the food in the airfryer basket and heat it up to 180°C for about 5 to 10 minutes. It is important to stir and turn the food every 2-3 minutes to ensure it heats evenly.

The airfryer is also great for reheating frozen foods that normally get mushy and bland in the microwave, such as french fries. Just place them in the airfryer basket and let them heat for about 10 minutes at 200°C, stirring every 2-3 minutes.

frozen food in the airfryer

An important tip is not to put too much food in the airfryer basket, so that the hot air circulates freely and heats all sides of the food. In addition, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid damaging the airfryer or food.

With these tips, it's quick and easy to heat up frozen food in the airfryer. And best of all, they are just as crispy and delicious as if they had just been made!

Additional tips for heating food in the airfryer

We've already talked about how to prepare the airfryer to heat food and how to heat ready-to-eat food, but there are a few more tips who can help with the process and ensure a warm and delicious meal.

Use aluminum foil sparingly

While aluminum foil can be useful for preventing food from drying out and ensuring extra crunch, it's important to use it sparingly. Completely covering food with aluminum foil can impede the flow of hot air and leave food with an odd texture. Try to use just enough to cover the surface of the food and leave room for air to circulate.

Try different temperatures and times

Each food is unique and may require a specific temperature and cooking time to get it just right. Don't be afraid to experiment with different settings on your airfryer to find the perfect combination for each dish.

Add liquids to prevent food from drying out.

If you are reheating foods that tend to be dry, such as pizza or cheese bread, add a few drops of water or olive oil to keep moisture in. This will help keep the food from becoming tough and dry.

Don't put too many foods at once.

It's tempting to toss all the leftovers into the airfryer at once to save time, but this can spoil the final result. Putting in too much food at once can prevent the air from circulating properly, leaving the food underheated and with an odd texture. Try heating food in smaller portions to ensure a hot and tasty meal.

Take the opportunity to add seasonings and condiments

Some foods may lose some of their flavor when heated, but that doesn't mean you have to eat blandly. Take the opportunity to add extra spices and seasonings to enhance the flavor. A little grated cheese, fresh herbs or even a dash of pepper can make all the difference.

With these additional tips, you'll be ready to heat any type of food in your airfryer and make sure every meal is piping hot and delicious.

additional tips for heating food in the airfryer

Quick and delicious recipes to warm up in the airfryer

Preparing food in the airfryer can be much more than simply heating food. With a little creativity and a variety of ingredients, it is possible to make delicious and surprising dishes in a short amount of time. Here are some quick and easy recipes to try:

  1. Crispy chicken: Combine 1 cup breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoon garlic powder, 1 tablespoon onion powder, and salt to taste in a shallow dish. Coat the chicken pieces in the mixture, making sure each piece is evenly coated. Place the chicken in the airfryer basket and bake for 20 to 25 minutes at 180°C. Serve with barbecue sauce or mustard.
  2. Broccoli Fries: Cut the broccoli into small florets, mix with oil and salt and place in the airfryer basket for 15-20 minutes at 180°C. Serve as a starter or side dish.
  3. Stuffed Zucchini: Cut zucchinis in half and remove the pulp with a spoon. Mix the pulp with a little ricotta, chopped onion and spices. Fill the zucchini halves with the mixture and cover with grated cheese. Place in the airfryer basket for 15-20 minutes at 180°C or until cooked through. Serve as a main dish or side dish.

Use your imagination and experiment with new food combinations to create even more amazing dishes in the airfryer!

airfryer with chicken and vegetables

Precautions when heating food in the airfryer

Before starting to heat food in the airfryer, it is important to remember that some precautions must be taken to ensure the safety and quality of the food. Below, I list some precious tips for you:

1. Cleaning

Before heating any food in the airfryer, make sure it is clean and free of food residue. Cleaning should be done with running water, neutral detergent and a soft sponge. Avoid using abrasive materials such as steel wool, which can damage the airfryer's non-stick coating.

2. Preheating

Preheating the airfryer before placing the food is essential to ensure that it is heated evenly and is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. To do this, simply turn on the airfryer at the temperature indicated in the recipe for a few minutes before placing the food. Don't forget to shake the airfryer basket a few times during preheating to ensure that the air circulates well.

3. Quantity

Avoid placing a large amount of food in the airfryer basket at once, as this may impair hot air circulation and affect the final result of the food. It is important to respect the quantity guidelines indicated in the recipe and, if necessary, carry out the process in stages.

4. Time and temperature

Each food has an ideal time and temperature to be heated in the airfryer. Therefore, it is essential to follow the directions in the recipe and not change the temperature or time indicated. Keep an eye on the food during the process to make sure it doesn't burn or become too dry.

5. Rest

After the process of heating in the airfryer, it is important to let the food rest for a few minutes before serving. This helps preserve the texture and ideal temperature of the food.

By following these simple tips, you can safely reheat food in the airfryer and get incredible results. But remember: each airfryer is unique and may require adjustments in temperature and heating time according to its power and characteristics. Therefore, it is important to read the instruction manual and get to know your airfryer well before using it.


Advantages of heating food in the airfryer compared to other methods

You may have heard that the airfryer is a great option for cooking food in a healthier way and without having to use oil. But did you know that it is also an excellent option for heating food?

In addition to being a healthier alternative to the microwave, the airfryer is also more efficient than the conventional oven, as it heats food more quickly and evenly. This means you can have your dish hot in a matter of minutes!

Another advantage is that the airfryer does not dry out the food, as it can happen in the microwave or oven. This happens because the airfryer does not use hot air to heat the food, but a hot air circulation system that keeps the food moist.

And if you are worried about the taste, you can rest assured: the airfryer preserves the flavor and texture of the food, leaving it crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

And to top it off, the airfryer is easy to clean and consumes less energy than a conventional oven. That is, in addition to all the advantages already mentioned, it is also more sustainable!


Creative recipes to use food leftovers in the airfryer

Who never had leftovers in the fridge and didn't know what to do with them? With the airfryer, you can give leftovers a new life and still create delicious dishes.

One of my favorite recipes is “fried rice”. To prepare this dish, just mix cooked rice with chopped vegetables (such as carrots, peas and corn) and a little sesame oil. Then put the mixture in the airfryer basket and leave for about 10-15 minutes at 180°C, stirring occasionally.

Another delicious option is the “pan bread pizza”. To prepare this recipe, place slices of bread in the airfryer basket and add tomato sauce, cheese and the ingredients of your choice (such as ham, corn and tomatoes). Take the airfryer for about 10 minutes at 190°C, or until the cheese is melted and the dough is crispy.

IngredientsMethod of preparation
Cooked riceMix rice with chopped vegetables and sesame oil. Place in the airfryer basket and leave for about 10-15 minutes at 180°C.
Loaf breadPlace slices of bread in the airfryer basket and add tomato sauce, cheese and ingredients of choice. Take the airfryer for about 10 minutes at 190°C.

In addition to these recipes, you can create several others with the leftovers you have at home. Just use creativity and try new combinations.

food leftovers being prepared in the airfryer

“With the airfryer, you can create delicious dishes from leftover food you have at home. Try new combinations and be surprised by the result!”


Well, everyone, now you know everything you need to heat up food in the airfryer like true masters. I hope the tips I shared were helpful and that you feel like trying this method more and more.

Remember to always prepare the airfryer before using it, paying attention to the temperatures and cooking times indicated in each recipe. Also, it is important to be careful when handling the basket and hot food.

But don't forget, the airfryer is not just for heating ready-to-eat food. You can also use your creativity and prepare delicious and healthy recipes within it, such as oil-free fried chicken, crispy baked potatoes and even brownies.

In summary, the airfryer can be a great ally in the kitchen, making life easier for those looking for practicality and health when preparing meals. So, take advantage of all the advantages that this technology offers and discover a new world of culinary possibilities.

Common questions

How to heat food in the airfryer?

There are some infallible tips for heating food in the airfryer.

Why choose the airfryer to heat food?

Discover the benefits of using the airfryer to heat your food.

How to prepare the airfryer to heat food?

Learn how to get your airfryer ready to heat your food.

How to heat ready-made food in the airfryer?

Discover the best way to heat ready-to-eat food using the airfryer.

Is it possible to heat frozen food in the airfryer?

Learn how to use the airfryer to warm up frozen foods in a practical and quick way.

What are additional tips for heating food in the airfryer?

Take advantage of these extra tips to get even better results when heating food in the airfryer.

What are some quick and delicious recipes to reheat in the airfryer?

Try these recipes that are perfect for heating up in the airfryer quickly and tasty.

What care should I take when heating food in the airfryer?

Learn about the necessary care when using the airfryer to heat your food.

What are the advantages of heating food in the airfryer over other methods?

Discover the advantages of using the airfryer to heat food compared to other methods.

What are some creative recipes for using leftover food in the airfryer?

Use leftover food in a creative way with these special recipes for the airfryer.